Hood River Farmers Market October 31, 2020
Hood River Farmers Market
I did a quick tour through the Hood River Farmers Market here in Hood River on this October 31, 2020. It was Halloween, so it was fun to see many of the vendors dressed in costumes, sadly I didn’t take a picture of everything, but although the air was a bit chilly, I wanted to show some of the photos I took. The feeling was festive and everyone was lively and seemed to be having great fun. I just wanted to share some of the local businesses that have products that are very rare, high quality and are hard to find anywhere else.
I first had to take a look at the Columbia Mushroom Company. The products from this company look amazing! I was amazed at the products here, who knew you could grow so many kinds of mushrooms??
Next I stopped at Saur Farming. Interesting and amazing thing about this farm is that they are a horse powered farm. Can you believe it??? The produce here is made using horse power, how cool is that??
Saur Farming at the Hood River Farmers Market Saur Farming at Hood River Farmers Market
They certainly do have high quality produce, and I am continually amazed at how they have managed to do this using the power of horses.
I next briefly stood to look at Jeffries Ranch Beef. Interesting thing about this stand is he raises the cattle and meats straight on grassland. I remember talking with the owner a few weeks ago and he takes such great care in the raising of his cattle and animals. I can’t wait to try some of his beef, while I didn’t buy today I do plan on doing so soon in the future!
Jeffries Ranch Beef at the Hood River Farmers Market Jeffries Ranch Beef at the Hood River Farmers Market
After this I snapped a few more pictures and just wanted to post some I took of Tre Fin Seafood. They catch each fish individually, can you believe it? A lot of great products here at the Hood River Farmers Market!!
Tre Fin Stand at Hood River Farmers Market Tre Fin Boat Seafood Sign
Next….and I had a lot of fun with these two was Gorge Greens: I always enjoy their product and I even found their product at Rosaurs the other day here in Hood River. If you don’t know, Rosaurs is a large supermarket/grocery store here in Hood River. In the veggie section next to the spinach and other green products you will find Gorge Greens. I personally love putting this in soups as Iove the slight veggie aroma it gives to my beef soup I make at home.
Not only that, but these two are highly knowledgable about nutrition and as an added bonus this company is incredibly earth friendly with their product.
I wrote briefly about Gorge Greens last week as well: https://www.discoverhoodriver.com/farmers-market-hood-river-october-24-2020/
I must add I always enjoy chatting and interacting with Gorge Greens as you can see they love to have fun!! Visit them if you get a chance you’ll love not only their product but their approachability and personalities as you can see from the Halloween photo from Gorge Greens:
Gorge Greens at Hood River Farmers Market Gorge Greens Microgreens Superfood
For More Information on the Hood River Farmers Market please visit their website:
I hope you have enjoyed this read on my dat on October 31, 2020 at the Hood River Farmers Market. I, sadly, did not get a chance to talk or chat with every vendor there, but hopefully coming up I will do so as well as more articles in the future!