Hood River Farmers Market: October 24, 2020
Hood River Farmers Market Hood River: October 24, 2020
I just wanted to share a very quick walkthrough of my experience on this rainy day on October 24, 2020 at the Hood River Farmers market this October 24, 2020. The Hood River Farmers Market happens every Saturday, up until a certain point though, I would recommend checking out the Hood River Farmers Market website for more information on dates and times. I have some events posted here on this page, but wanted to share the original source of the information:
My events page where I will start posting the events are located here: https://www.discoverhoodriver.com/things-to-do/
I had a great time walking through today and although I couldn’t get to everyone I just wanted to share the people I did get a chance to get some pictures and share some conversation with.
First up, I spoke with the Post Canyon Coffee Roasters and was surprised to find out that they have their own homemade spiced chai. The bottles looked very good and I know that spiced chai is always in demand, and I don’t think you can get better than homemade. Homemade anything is much preferred to store bought, but that is not all they have. They roast their own coffee and cold brew, so I definitely recommend checking them out if you have a chance. I had a great conversation with the owner as well.
Post Canyon Coffee Roasters at Hood River Farmers market Post Canyon Coffee Roasters stand at Hood River Farmers Market
I then spoke with the Queen of Hearts Hemp Foods. I was intrigued and had a great time learning about the benefits of CBD, Hemp, and other products she offers. It was fascinating to learn of all the things she makes and offers from hemp and cbd. She even has a hemp coffee products as well. Check out her products especially if you are looking for some healthy products that come from hemp.
Queen of Hearts Hemp Foods at Hood River Farmers Market Queen of Hearts Hemp Foods at Hood River Farmers Market
I then headed to another stand to speak with the owner of Roots Wrap. A local company based out of Hood River that makes soap and wrapping based on a sustainable and eco friendly material, bees wax! She does have an Etsy store and the product looks interesting, wrapping that is natural and does not pollute! Check it out:
I bought two bars of soap and am looking forward to trying either the charcoal or sea breeze handmade soap.
Roots Wrap at Hood River Farmers Market Roots Wrap Business Card at Hood River Farmers market
I next talked with Gorge Greens. I was very impressed with the knowledge and nutritional advice I received while at this stand for local and sustainable micro greens. I do recommend getting in touch with Gorge Greens for any questions on micro greens I feel like I did find out a lot about how micro greens can affect the body. It almost sounds like, in theory, the body can survive on just micro greens, they seem to have a perfect nutritional ratio that can sustain the body, but they also are full of prebiotics. This is a very sustainable product and I’m looking very much forward to trying this in a soup, sandwhich or other way.
Gorge Greens Microgreens Superfood Gorge Greens at Farmers Market in Hood River
Conclusion to quick visit to the Hood River Farmers Market: Highly Recommended!
I highly recommend checking out this local farmers market for all the new, innovative, and unique products they offer here. I do post as I wrote, the events here on DiscoverHoodRiver.com and you can also check out the schedule on the GorgeGrown Website. I thank you for reading this and I hope that you have a wonderful time checking out our local Hood River Farmers market. There were so many places and stands in this market I hope to get to them soon! Thanks for reading!