Hood River Touch Rugby: February 2023

I just wanted to post this as I did find this flier posted on a local billboard while sitting at Stoked Coffee Roasters here in Hood River.  I was not aware that Hood River had a touch rugby league and wanted to share this with anyone interested in meeting some new people.  This article will be short as I just wanted to post the basic info here.

Hiking Resources Near Hood River: September 2022

I would definitely go to a local store here named Shortt supply.  Shortt supply is located in downtown Hood River and not only has all of the latest gear and things to help prepare you on your long hike, but they would also have firsthand knowledge of all the best places to hike as well as weather information and other valuable things that you can purchase such as a new book that I have seen here locally that is for sale in many places is called the Gorge guides.

Windsurfing in Hood River Oregon

Hood River Oregon has been known as the “Windsurfing Capital of the World” for years now, this beautiful town sits along the Columbia River Gorge and on both sides of the river you will see beautiful hills and mountains, not to mention the beautiful Mt Hood on the Oregon side and then Mt Adams on the other in Washington State.

Sub Deo Firearm Training Post: How to Prevent Hypothermia

About Sub Deo Firearm Training From the website: “The SUB DEO Team is composed of Law Enforcement Trained Professionals. We hold Firearms Training Certs through Virginia State & Federal Firearms Training Agencies as well as professional & personal firearms experience through specialized units such as…


This website is created to help inform visitors and travelers to Hood River, OR of the various activities, shops, food, and events this great place has to offer. Here you will also find misc local information and see that Hood River has much to offer to any visitor.

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